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Willkommen bei der MARINE INTERIORS Cruise & Ferry Global Expo, powered by SMM. Vom 6. bis 8. September 2023 zeigt Ihnen diese speziell konzipierte Fachmesse das gesamte Spektrum der Anbieter innerhalb der Kreuzfahrt- und Fährmärkte - von den Bereichen Innenarchitektur über Innenausstattung & Technik bis hin zu den Bereichen Kombüse, Restaurant, Barausstattung & Hospitality und diversen Dienstleistungen.

Für Einkäufer, Innenarchitekten und Entscheidungsträger bietet die dreitägige Veranstaltung inspirierende Lösungen für jede Herausforderung rund um die Innenausstattung von Passagierschiffen - seien es Hochsee- oder Flusskreuzfahrtschiffe, Fähren oder Mega-Yachten. In Zusammenarbeit mit der Seatrade Europe - Cruise & River Cruise Convention wurde sie entwickelt, um ein unverzichtbarer Treffpunkt für alle führenden Branchenvertreter zu sein.

Nehmen Sie an dieser Pflichtveranstaltung teil und tragen Sie sich in unseren News-Verteiler ein, damit wir Sie über die neuesten Nachrichten auf dem Laufenden halten können.

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"As a ferry operator, we attach particular importance to ensuring that passengers feel comfortable on board our ships. A very decisive factor in this is the interior design, i.e. room design, furniture, and wall and floor coverings. At MARINE INTERIORS, we can get inspiration when it comes to freshening up older ships or giving newbuildings an appealing design. Since the show is specifically tailored to the needs of the ferry and passenger shipping industry, we find the right partners there. The exhibitors know that it's not just a matter of the right design, but that safety aspects also play an important role in the choice of materials, for example."

Axel Meynköhn,
Geschäftsführer/CEO, W.D.R. (Wyker Dampfschiffs-Reederei Föhr-Amrum GmbH)

"Trade shows focused on specific subject areas, such as MARINE INTERIORS, have a special appeal for many of our member companies because the target group is more pointed than at the major events. This is true here for the ferry and cruise ship segments, in which German shipbuilding companies have a strong market position. In Hamburg, trade visitors will be able to experience the different facets of cabin and common area design and read about current trends. We as an association are pleased with the opportunity for exchange between shipping companies, shipyards and suppliers that this provides."

Dr. Reinhard Lüken,
Managing Director, German Shipbuilding and Ocean Industries Association (VSM)

"Environmental aspects are of great importance in the maritime industry today. Our 'Aurora Botnia' was the most environmentally friendly RoPax ferry in the world when it entered service in 2021 - and we want to keep that title in the future. At MARINE INTERIORS we find suppliers and interlocutors who share our points of view."

Peter Ståhlberg,
Managing Director, Wasaline

"Ferry operators must provide a seamless experience that makes passengers feel valued and understood. The fact that MARINE INTERIORS is focusing on ferry interiors this year is insanely exciting for us. The interface between design and shipbuilding has been missing on the market so far. I'm happy to be playing an active part in the conferences and I'm looking forward to the input of the other panelists."

Matteo Della Valle,
Passengers Sales & Marketing Staff Director, Grandi Navi Veloci

Portraitfoto von Matteo Della Valle, Passengers Sales & Marketing Staff Director bei Grandi Navi Veloci

"MARINE INTERIORS is the ideal trade fair for INNOVAZE MEDIA GmbH, an innovative provider of consulting, design, 3D visualization, and engineering of entertainment and media installations on cruise ships, to participate as an exhibitor on the topic of "Digitalization in Shipping." This trade fair offers a unique platform to showcase our technology solutions and services to a wide professional audience from the shipbuilding and maritime industry.“

Andreas Selk,
Director Strategy & Project Portfolio, INNOVAZE MEDIA GmbH

“The success of ACCOMAR has been achieved by a strong business foundation and a good coordination between the team members. It is very important for us to sustain our collaboration with the valuable partners of the marine interior industry. In order to expand our network, to come together with the decision-makers, to share our experience and to set our future projects; we are looking forward to exhibiting in MARINE INTERIORS, Cruise & Ferry Global Expo 2023.’’

Metehan Yükselen,
CEO, Accomar Marine Interior AS

"Ich freue mich, an der Konferenz-Session "Conference on Ferry Design" auf der MARINE INTERIORS Expo teilzunehmen, um die Möglichkeiten für Designer zu beleuchten, das Kundenerlebnis zu verbessern. Mit meiner Erfahrung in der Gestaltung einer breiten Palette von Touch-Points an Bord hoffe ich, dass ich einige Erkenntnisse und Beispiele weitergeben kann, die für die Zuhörer hilfreich sein werden."

Jason West,
Founder, WDC Creative

“To be truly sustainable, we have to have some kind of guidelines. We would very much welcome the opportunity to work with classification societies and get guidance from them on sustainability. With MARINE INTERIORS, it results in this unique interface with various ship classification societies. It's absolutely a win-win for us.”

Alan Stewart,
Director, SMC Design

Portraitfoto von Alan Stewart, Director bei SMC Design

"As CEO of a German mattress factory, I eagerly anticipate the MARINE INTERIORS Cruise & Ferry Global Expo 2023. It's a premier event in the maritime industry, offering a platform to showcase our mattress solutions for ships, maritime vessels and offshore industries, connect with stakeholders, and expand our business in this specialized market. Excited to stay ahead of industry trends!"

Gerd Breckle,
CEO, Breckle Matratzenwerk Weida GmbH

“As the industry is currently restarting after the Covid pandemic, we are looking forward to a prosperous MARINE INTERIORS, Cruise & Ferry Global Expo 2023. We are happy to reconnect with our customers face-to-face and to share our ideas about the newest trends in marine lighting. The MARINE INTERIORS, Cruise & Ferry Global Expo 2023 is the ideal platform for intensive networking and a must in our trade fair calendar.”

Alexander Abke,
Managing Partner, Hera GmbH & Co. KG

“Lloyd Werft Bremerhaven GmbH is very broadly positioned in the maritime industry: From classic shipbuilding / conversion to yacht building / conversion to refits for all kind of ships. For us, MARINE INTERIORS makes an interesting thematic arc. Here we can get in contact with new suppliers in an uncomplicated way.”

Thorsten Rönner,
Managing Director, Lloyd Werft Bremerhaven GmbH


“I am looking forward to participating to the session “Creating a first class customer experience” at Marine Interiors 2023, to share how at Brittany Ferries we reveal our brand on board our ships to enhance our customers experience.”

Jöelle Croc,
Customer experience & Onboard Sales Director – DCE Team, Brittany Ferries

“A tasteful interior design consists of more than carpets, wall colors and lighting. It is exclusive furniture that gives suites and lounges their face. Our designers bring out the very special spirit of cruise ships with their furniture pieces. Exchanging ideas with other designers at events like MARINE INTERIORS gives us great pleasure.”

Adamo Montina,
Sales Contract Division Office, Moroso Spa


“A tasteful interior design consists of more than carpets, wall colors and lighting. It is exclusive furniture that gives suites and lounges their face. Our designers bring out the very special spirit of cruise ships with their furniture pieces. Exchanging ideas with other designers at events like MARINE INTERIORS gives us great pleasure.”

Frau Laren Pelusio,
Senior Vice President, Richloom Contract

“As an exhibitor and a member of the advisory board for MARINE INTERIORS I support a Hamburg-based event because Hamburg is the hub of the German and European cruise and ferry industry as well as the world’s capital of maritime classification societies. Major shipyards and cruise lines as well as renowned interior design studios right in the city and its vicinity make Hamburg a natural meeting point for cruise industry executives.”

Stefan Bez,
CEO, Bez Group GmbH

“As an exhibitor and a member of the advisory board for MARINE INTERIORS I support a Hamburg-based event because Hamburg is the hub of the German and European cruise and ferry industry as well as the world’s capital of maritime classification societies. Major shipyards and cruise lines as well as renowned interior design studios right in the city and its vicinity make Hamburg a natural meeting point for cruise industry executives.”

Sven Fahle,
Director Hotel Projects & Operational Support, Carnival Maritime GmbH


“The best way to predict the future is to create it! If you fail to plan you plan to fail. I'm delighted if AIDA manages to continue to strike a chord with guests in the future - and continues to develop contemporary products. In this respect, events like MARINE INTERIORS are very important for us.”

Christian Schönrock,
Vice President Future Design, Carnival Maritime GmbH


“Re-thinking cruise ships is our passion! We recently proved this with "REVERSE" our brand new and innovative cruise concept. "REVERSE" shows how the cruise of the future could look like in the year 2100. People's tastes change constantly over time. Close contact with suppliers and designers is a must for us. MARINE INTERIORS offers the perfect platform for this.”

Lars Kruse,
Head of Sales and Design, Meyer Werft GmbH & Co. KG

“For a first-class passenger experience, we try to create a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere on board our ferries putting our passenger needs first. The whole package is important here: comfortable seating, clever room concepts with good use of space & light, and areas offering great food and beverage choices and Retail space. From MARINE INTERIORS I expect to get an overview of the latest design trends including sustainability ideas, insightful lectures and new contacts.”

Steve Newbery,
Director Onboard Services. Business Unit Passenger. DFDS





Deutschlands größte Hafenstadt ist reich an Kultur und Nachtleben. Laut "The New York Times" zählt Hamburg zu den Top Ten der Reiseziele weltweit. 

Die maritime Metropole begeistert mit weitläufigen Stadtparks und großartiger Architektur, einem Reichtum an Kultur sowie einem unvergleichlichen Nachtleben.

Hamburger Hafen: Blick von oben auf Elbe mit Kreuzfahrtschiff, Elbphilharmonie, Michel, Fernsehturm und restlichem Panorama

Powered by


Co-located with

Seatrade Europe

Supported by

Verband Deutscher Reeder
IG River Cruise
Cruise Lines International Association
Verband Deutscher Schiffsausrüster

Unterstützende Verbände


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